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Embracing Timeless Beauty & Inclusivity

Amid the transformative era of COVID-19, My Willow emerged in the skincare realm, inspired by the personal journey and resilience embodied in Korean skincare practices, aiming to offer timeless beauty solutions. The brand has pioneered in introducing inclusive and age-positive Korean skincare products, while breaking stereotypes and fostering a supportive community for mature skin.


My Willow


Skincare & Beauty

브랜드 도달범위

USA & Europe


Corporate Brand


Brand Strategy & Development
Market Research & Analysis
Brand Identity
Brand Asset Creation
Packaging Design


Facing the task of redefining Korean skincare to be inclusive and age-positive, My Willow aimed to showcase its effectiveness across diverse ethnicities and empower women to embrace their natural beauty journey.


To redefine beauty rituals by proving the efficacy of My Willow's products for diverse and mature skin, ensuring every woman can rediscover her radiance.

연구 및 통찰력

Identified a core audience of women aged 25-45, focusing on achieving radiant skin amidst concerns like acne and uneven tones, reflecting a trend towards minimal makeup and sustainable skincare.

브랜드 아키타입

  • The Caregiver: Primary archetype, emphasizing care and nurturance with every skincare solution.

  • The Sage: Secondary archetype, imparting age-positive wisdom and a holistic beauty approach.


우리의 솔루션

Through in-depth market analysis, The 8th Archer positioned My Willow as a transformative skincare brand that weaves Korean heritage with a commitment to wellness, encapsulated in a sophisticated visual identity.


시각적 정체성

Logo, Colors, and Visual Identity

A timeless wordmark logo and a willow leaf icon symbolize growth and authenticity. The color palette, inspired by forest mysticism, alongside modern fonts Audrey and Poppins, underscores a minimalist luxury aesthetic. 

Packaging Design 

Sustainable and minimalist, the packaging design mirrors My Willow's commitment to eco-friendliness and nature-derived ingredients.



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Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 5.01.16 PM.png


Transforming My Willow into a beacon of diversity, age-positivity, and transformative skincare, we managed to successfully redefine skincare standards, while emphasizing individual beauty and the journey towards embracing one's natural glow.

브랜드를 더 보고 싶으세요? 아래 링크 아이콘을 클릭해 확인해 보세요!

"We are delighted with the exceptional branding work The 8th Archer provided for our new skincare brand, My Willow. 

Throughout the project, the team demonstrated unparalleled professionalism and responsiveness, translating our vision into a compelling brand identity. Their ability to transform abstract concepts into tangible elements has set My Willow up for a strong debut in the competitive skincare market. 

We highly recommend The 8th Archer for anyone seeking top-tier branding services and look forward to future collaborations."



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