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Where Elegance Meets Heritage

Bna Kim, a Luxury Lifestyle influencer and business consultant, partnered with The 8th Archer to craft a brand identity that seamlessly blends her Korean and Middle Eastern heritage. Our goal was to create a visual identity that not only reflects her cultural richness but also positions her as a leader in the Luxury Lifestyle space. Along with designing her visual identity, we helped shape her brand positioning and voice, aligning it with her diverse and discerning target audience.


Bna Kim


Luxury & Lifestyle

브랜드 도달범위

Korea & Middle East


Personal Brand


Brand Strategy & Development
Market Research & Analysis
Brand Identity
Brand Asset Creation
Marketing Strategy & Ideation
Branding & Marketing Consulting


The challenge was to unify Bna Kim’s dual cultural influences into a cohesive and sophisticated brand identity. This required creating a balance between the opulence of Middle Eastern aesthetics and the refined minimalism of Korean design. Additionally, we needed to establish a distinct brand voice that would resonate with a global Luxury audience, while ensuring that the visual identity was flexible enough to work across various platforms, from social media to professional engagements.


  • Position Bna Kim as a leader in the Luxury Lifestyle industry with a unique cultural blend

  • Establish a refined and cohesive visual identity that resonates with her target audience

  • Develop a clear and compelling brand voice that speaks to her audience's aspirations while maintaining authenticity

연구 및 통찰력

In-depth research into Bna Kim’s audience revealed a strong appreciation for her blend of traditional and modern aesthetics. Analyzing both Korean and Middle Eastern Luxury trends, we identified key opportunities to differentiate her brand. Our competitor analysis helped us define a brand voice that is not only aspirational but also relatable and genuine, aligning with her audience’s values and lifestyle.

브랜드 아키타입

  • The Lover – Primary Archetype, embodies passion and elegance, creating emotional connections through luxurious content

  • The Innocent – Secondary Archetypes, promotes simplicity and joy, offering a hopeful and authentic approach to Luxury living


우리의 솔루션

The 8th Archer developed a comprehensive brand identity that seamlessly integrates Bna Kim’s dual cultural influences. This involved crafting a distinctive logo, curating an elegant color palette, and developing typography that reflected both modern Luxury and traditional aesthetics. 

Alongside the visual identity, we shaped her brand voice to be aspirational yet approachable, resonating with her Luxury target audience. 

Additionally, we provide ongoing marketing strategy and ideation to ensure her brand presence is consistent across all platforms, from social media feeds to collaborations with high-end brands.


시각적 정체성

Logo & Typography

The logo reflects her dual cultural heritage with soft curves symbolizing Korean aesthetics and bold, geometric elements inspired by Middle Eastern art. The typography combines modern, sleek fonts with a traditional flair, representing both the elegance and timelessness of her brand.

Color Palette

We curated a color palette of deep burgundy, gold, and soft neutrals to capture the opulence of Middle Eastern luxury, balanced with the minimalism of Korean design. These colors were chosen to evoke sophistication while ensuring flexibility across various brand assets.

Feed Aesthetic Creation

We developed a curated social media feed aesthetic that mirrors Bna Kim’s visual identity, blending luxurious settings with cultural motifs. The cohesive layout emphasizes the richness of her heritage while remaining modern and visually engaging.


Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 5.01.53 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 5.01.16 PM.png


Through a tailored brand identity, positioning, and voice development, Bna Kim is now poised to stand out in the Global Luxury Lifestyle space. Her brand seamlessly blends cultural heritage with modern Luxury, creating a compelling and authentic experience for her audience.

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